alias recap

since semaphoria mentioned it (and even though i had class last night but watched it when i got home) here's the high points and low points of last night's alias:

  • high: marshall explaining the concept of a spork to jack
  • low: marshall using a spork to dig someone's eye out
    • high: the use of 1950's vehicles in present day cuba (which is funny, although i have no idea how accurate it may be)
    • low: sydney's wig in cuba
    • high: seeing marshall at home with carrie and mitchell
    • low: seeing marshall understand what it's like to deal with working deep-cover while having a family
    • high: getting home finally after the world's longest day
    • low: not having any hot and spicy cheez-its at home to greet me
    (for the record, semaphoria, my love, i don't want to do covert action or counterintelligence so i'm not too worried about being captured in the field and buried alive...)


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