
I've been running a fever since Saturday. At its lowest (on 800 mg of Advil) it's around 99.3 deg. Its average is around 100.8. Its highest has been 102.4 degrees... I work IN a hospital. I work in the department of the hospital that deals directly with doctors. I interact with, on average 4 doctors per day.

I've been told that since I have a fever I need to not be at work. But since I'm not employed by the hospital per se (that's a WHOLE different posting) but rather by a temp agency, I get ZERO sick time... I can take all the time off I want and not get paid.

I've paid the student health center fee at school, and can use that doctor for free. My boss wants me to go see the doctor next door to whom I would have to pay a co-pay. I'd rather see the doc for free at school - who is a friend of my boss', but a mortal enemy of my aunt's. So her opinion is, if I see the free doctor at school, I should take him an invitation to the big expensive party I've been planning since August to make sure he goes there.

So basically, I'm sick, I work in a hospital, can't work when I'm this sick, so won't be paid for not working because they've told me I can't work, and if I go to the doctor I want to see, I have to do things that I'd ordinarily do at work, but not be paid because I'm not allowed to work when I'm this sick.

This makes me GRUMPY!


Anonymous Tuesday, January 04, 2005 2:34:00 pm  

Thats Sick!

A.L.F. is my humor hero.

I kill me.

Allan Tuesday, January 04, 2005 9:38:00 pm  

Stumbled onto your site via Can-O. Good stuff. I hate temping, but there's not much else out there.

Never,ever give up the music. Write your own songs.

If you can play 5 songs, you can create 500.

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