treatise on dog poo

dog poo is indeedy gross. no one likes to pick it up. however, it's so much worse to not pick it up. and SO much worse to step in it...

the people who live upstairs from me got a puppy about a month ago. she's cute, she's spastic, and she reminds me all the reasons i'm glad ernie's not a puppy anymore. sometimes, the people upstairs leave her outside in the yard. because of the crappy condition of our fence, they leave her on the lead that i leave ernie on occasionally.

and she, being a dog, poops when outside. granted, i don't pick up the yard after each poo (i don't have enough baggies, usually i pick up the previous 3 with the current one in a single bag). but my front door to my apartment is in the back yard of the house. so sometimes when she poops in the backyard, not being conscientious like my puppy that only poops on grass, dirt, or other yard materials, she poops on the sidewalk leading to my door.

and on my front doorstep. and it takes them a week to pick it up. one week the dog poo would sit o n my front step waiting for me to step in it on one of my midnight doggy trip to the facilities.

that is if i didn't pick it up for them.



heatherfeather Sunday, February 06, 2005 2:06:00 am  



(please remember I need to keep a spotless criminal record, so this is not a solicitation for any sort of illegal recourse...dang. having actual, explicit disclaimers isn't as fun as implied disclaimers...)

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